by Tony Johnson | Dec 28, 2014 | Customer Experience
The New Year seems to make us all very reflective. It’s a chance to consider the past twelve months and plot a course forward for the coming year. We are on the threshold of 2015 and this is a fantastic time to talk about goals. Most of us have heard the idiom that Tony Johnson | Dec 17, 2014 | Customer Experience
The number of days left in the New Year are dwindling – as is the time remaining to OWN it! The New Year always brings a sense of limitless possibilities and opportunities for success. This is also the chance to set the tone and head out of the holiday Tony Johnson | Dec 10, 2014 | Customer Experience
As I’ve mentioned before, sometimes you have to take a hard look at how you do things for the good of the Customer experience. I also know that we all have a boss, and most likely there are policies, procedures, or guidelines that you are expected to meet Tony Johnson | Dec 3, 2014 | Customer Experience
Everyone loves to feel appreciated. I can tell you that in most businesses there is a distinct lack of recognition and encouragement. I can also tell you that most folks really do like to hear that they are doing a good job. This is the reason why many Tony Johnson | Nov 23, 2014 | Customer Experience
Black Friday: Synonymous with long lines, deep discounts, a turkey-hangover, and shopping! Some think of it as the shopping equivalent of spending time in the Thunderdome. I find it to be a great time to sharpen my service acumen. The term was coined in the sixties in...