by Tony Johnson | May 21, 2017 | Business Performance, Customer Experience
Businesses love the busy seasons. For many this is represented by November and December – but often many organizations find that they have a real uptick during the summer months as well. When you think about amusement parks, zoos, home improvement, and Tony Johnson | May 6, 2017 | Business Performance, Customer Experience
We have all seen the videos. We have all cringed as we see the airlines continue to misbehave. We have seen folks removed from planes, families disrespected, and bargain airlines take pride in their lack of Customer service. Now let’s begin by clearing Tony Johnson | Mar 25, 2017 | Leadership
Sustaining any business initiative is one of the top struggles every organization faces. It is a constant struggle to breathe life into a strategy in such a way that gives it legs for the long term. But any Customer service platform that is to succeed has Tony Johnson | Feb 4, 2017 | Leadership
Over 100 million people will watch the big game this year. Take a moment to let that sink in. To put it in perspective only 13 countries have a population greater than 100 million. But we aren’t here to talk about TV audiences or population density – Tony Johnson | Oct 29, 2016 | Customer Experience
Airline Customer service is often an exercise in irony. I can tell you as a frequent traveler that there truly is a wide range of service when it comes to the airline business. Much like you might find a different dining experience in a drive through than at a...