by Tony Johnson | Dec 5, 2015 | Customer Experience, Leadership
Walt Disney is one of my heroes. December 5th is his birthday, and every year on this day I like to take a moment to consider the impact he had on those of us in the entertainment and service businesses. He is an icon, a role model, and absolutely an inspiration. Tony Johnson | Oct 6, 2015 | Customer Experience, Productivity
There are only so many hours in the day – or so the busy business folks lament. I have found myself over-committed and without the time I wish I had to get everything done each day. I remember when I got my first big promotion, and I Tony Johnson | Sep 27, 2015 | Customer Experience
The team is the lifeblood of amazing Customer service. The stakes for hiring and training the right team “on the ground” are extremely high, because you can have the most amazing product and talented leadership, but without the right Associate base, Tony Johnson | Aug 15, 2015 | Customer Experience
Your Guests know what they want. They come to you to get it. But they also know where to go if you can’t deliver it. Those businesses that want to succeed must deliver upon their Guest’s needs and make sure that they do so consistently. Those who fail to do Tony Johnson | Jul 25, 2015 | Customer Experience
Without a rudder, Customer service in most organizations will fall flat. They will meander, try, attempt, hope, and plan. Then they fizzle. Then they will fail. The reason is clear: Many organizations have rolled out a Customer service platform, but have neglected to...