by Tony Johnson | Jul 11, 2015 | Leadership
It all started when I needed some ice cream. You know those kind of cravings that you just can’t ignore? I needed a pint of the most amazing, local small batch ice cream, so off to the market I went. This is one of my favorite stores to visit as it is Tony Johnson | Apr 7, 2015 | Customer Experience
Stagnation sucks. It is more than just standing still. It is more akin to wilting on the vine or rotting on the shelf. It reeks of neglect and complacency. And Customers notice. But it doesn’t have to happen to your organization. Most likely, you have some form Tony Johnson | Mar 29, 2015 | Customer Experience
We have to remember as Leaders that our teams are always watching us to see how they should behave. If you’ve been in leadership for a while, or if you’ve recently taken on a larger role in the organization, it’s easy to forget that your words have impact. Of course, Tony Johnson | Dec 17, 2014 | Customer Experience
The number of days left in the New Year are dwindling – as is the time remaining to OWN it! The New Year always brings a sense of limitless possibilities and opportunities for success. This is also the chance to set the tone and head out of the holiday season...