by Tony Johnson | Aug 29, 2015 | Customer Experience
Anyone can lead amazing Customer service and outstanding execution when times are easy and the mojo is rolling. It’s how we drive that same mission when things are a little tougher that matters. There are so many variables in business, service, and leadership, that Tony Johnson | Dec 10, 2014 | Customer Experience
As I’ve mentioned before, sometimes you have to take a hard look at how you do things for the good of the Customer experience. I also know that we all have a boss, and most likely there are policies, procedures, or guidelines that you are expected to meet Tony Johnson | Oct 26, 2014 | Customer Experience, Leadership
Sometimes the best answer is the simplest. It’s amazing how often the solution is honestly right under our noses and in the case of customer service, the most basic lesson really does get us the most traction. Be nice to your customers. Wow, shocking, eh? I Tony Johnson | Aug 16, 2014 | Customer Experience
When you ask most businesses what is most important to them, many will come right back with SAFETY. Of course, that’s the responsible answer. That’s the answer most feel they are supposed to give. It’s the answer that says. . .profit? No, not Tony Johnson | Jun 29, 2014 | Customer Experience, Productivity
We’ve all had it happen, right? You roll your cart into the checkout line, place your groceries on the conveyor, and look up at your cashier only to realize that you’ve chosen the newbie line. Now that intake of breath that just happened and...