by Tony Johnson | Jan 14, 2017 | Customer Experience, Leadership
Its a new year. Time to dust off that Customer service love and move forward into 2017 with passion. Many have taken the time to tick off the best of Customer service from 2016. Others will tell you what is up and coming for this new year. I want to talk Tony Johnson | Oct 2, 2016 | Customer Experience, Leadership, Productivity
This week is like Christmas for those who serve Guests and lead teams. Why? Because it’s Customer Service Week! In 1992, President George H. Bush signed a proclamation establishing National Customer Service Week. Every year, in the first full week Tony Johnson | Sep 3, 2016 | Customer Experience, Leadership
Everyone goes out to eat, right? It is the tradition of first dates, mother’s day, birthdays, and anniversaries alike – and that means there is more baggage than meets the eye when it comes to serving restaurant Guests. I really believe that Tony Johnson | Aug 28, 2016 | Customer Experience, Leadership
This week begins our 10 week journey into 10 different types of businesses and how they can deliver exceptional experiences for Customers. This week we will be diving into Higher Education – which is particularly relevant since many schools started back Tony Johnson | Aug 13, 2016 | Customer Experience, Leadership
I was traveling to Texas last month to spread the Customer service love – which meant a flight out of my second favorite airport – Detroit Metro. As a regular business traveler, I find it a great place to fly from, and in my opinion is only...