by Tony Johnson | Dec 5, 2015 | Customer Experience, Leadership
Walt Disney is one of my heroes. December 5th is his birthday, and every year on this day I like to take a moment to consider the impact he had on those of us in the entertainment and service businesses. He is an icon, a role model, and absolutely an inspiration. Tony Johnson | Nov 26, 2015 | Customer Experience
Thanksgiving is the most unassuming of holidays. It heralds in the holiday season and a marked uptick in civility and courtesy in the universe. It doesn’t ask anything except for families to gather and spend time together – and indulge their love of pumpkin pie. Tony Johnson | Nov 21, 2015 | Customer Experience
Why change so slowly? Why wait so long? Why lose so many Guests because your Customer service is lackluster? The quick answer is that you don’t have to! You can deliver great Customer service if you take the time to combine energy, speed, and Tony Johnson | Oct 30, 2015 | Customer Experience, Leadership
On mounting a rising ground, which brought the figure of his fellow-traveler in relief against the sky, gigantic in height, and muffled in a cloak, Ichabod was horror-struck on perceiving that he was headless!–but his horror was still more increased on Tony Johnson | Oct 24, 2015 | Customer Experience
All too often when things go astray with Customer service it is because businesses don’t have their processes buttoned up. Process is like air – you don’t appreciate it until you don’t have it. I can remember working in a business that had a determined batch of...