by Tony Johnson | May 1, 2015 | Customer Experience
Dear Graduates: Have you picked out your cap and gown? Have you stenciled your amazing message on your mortar board? Are you ready to take that big walk across the stage? Before you accept that new job and head into work for the first day, here are some tips that Tony Johnson | Apr 22, 2015 | Customer Experience
Sometimes it pays to head out and take a walk. In earlier posts, we have discussed Owning Your Dirt and how that can translate into success. The old adage of Management by Walking Around is a wise one – but make sure that the W stands for Walking with purpose Tony Johnson | Apr 15, 2015 | Customer Experience
In most areas, we are seeing the temperatures start to heat up. That was always the time when my mom would start pushing us to organize things in our rooms and throw open the windows to air out the house. It was a time to shake off the doldrums of winter and begin Tony Johnson | Apr 7, 2015 | Customer Experience
Stagnation sucks. It is more than just standing still. It is more akin to wilting on the vine or rotting on the shelf. It reeks of neglect and complacency. And Customers notice. But it doesn’t have to happen to your organization. Most likely, you have some form Tony Johnson | Mar 29, 2015 | Customer Experience
We have to remember as Leaders that our teams are always watching us to see how they should behave. If you’ve been in leadership for a while, or if you’ve recently taken on a larger role in the organization, it’s easy to forget that your words have impact. Of course,...