by Tony Johnson | Oct 24, 2015 | Customer Experience
All too often when things go astray with Customer service it is because businesses don’t have their processes buttoned up. Process is like air – you don’t appreciate it until you don’t have it. I can remember working in a business that had a determined batch Tony Johnson | Sep 27, 2015 | Customer Experience
The team is the lifeblood of amazing Customer service. The stakes for hiring and training the right team “on the ground” are extremely high, because you can have the most amazing product and talented leadership, but without the right Associate base, Tony Johnson | Sep 20, 2015 | Customer Experience
Sometimes your Customer service is just plain bad and you have to deal with it. I can remember taking over a piece of business in a large metro area many years ago. This was one of those struggling locations we have all encountered – some call Tony Johnson | Sep 7, 2015 | Customer Experience
The first Monday in September has been designated as a day to celebrate the contributions of American workers to our prosperity and success. It is only fitting that we take the time to consider how we can help this amazing workforce to be even more productive Tony Johnson | Aug 22, 2015 | Customer Experience, Leadership
Across the country many universities will be starting classes and welcoming a new freshman class to campus. Parents are jockeying for the last few minutes with their children before leaving them to their futures and those same students are filled with trepidation and...